When we think of massage we think of relaxation, increasing blood circulation, loosening tight muscles and the healing experience that touch can give. Touch is an exchange of energy whether a hug from a friend or touch from a massage therapist. Touch can affect more than just nerve receptors in our bodies; it can also touch our soul.
We are all made up of energy, which flows through us and around us. When we touch another person we give and receive energy. A massage therapist not only sees tension in their client's body they can feel it through their hands. They may also sense imbalances in their clients' mind-body-spirit connection. What they sense or feel is energy. For some therapist, this may be the first time that they sense energy. If this is a new sensation for the therapist, they may become confused as to what and how to deal with this energy. If their massage schooling did not address the ideas of energy then they may feel out in left field with no guidance as to what to do to understand this new awareness of energy.
Some massage schools discuss the power of energy exchange, but many therapists get out into the world of healing and are frustrated. This is not only a massage therapist dilemma. Many of us are frustrated when it comes to working with energy in our lives. We have "exchanges" with energy daily on many levels. We take in and give out energy in relation to our level of personal growth and where we are on our own spiritual journey. One way to be aware of and work with energy is to be more conscious of our own inner feelings and inner knowings.
One massage school taking the forefront in helping their students understand energy and their inner knowings is The Center for Life Enrichment in Richardson established in 1983. Says Matt Nolan, Director, "Many therapists feel that massage is more that just a "job". A majority of them feel that this profession is a "calling" and part of their own spiritual practice. In recognition of this, we are proud to offer courses in conjunction with Pathways of Light in Keil, WI. These courses, for the massage therapist and also open to the general public, allows one to delve deeper into self-knowledge and personal development"e;.
Completed courses may be applied towards the "Ordained Ministerial Counselor Training Program" as offered by Pathways of Light, through the instructor, Susan Paige, OMC, LMT, who completed the full program trough Pathways of Light in 1995 and has been working with energy healing for over thirty years. Says Susan "These courses have helped me, in my own practice to be more in tune with energy. Because I made a commitment to delve deeper into my own self awakening, I am a better healer and teacher."
These courses qualify for continuing education credits, national certification credit and are also open the general public. Call Asten for course schedule at 972-669-3245.
Susan H. Paige, OMC, LMT, an intuitive has over thirty years experience in the fields of holistic, personal and spiritual growth, healing arts including, national speaker and workshops, artist, teaching, writing, marketing and management. She received Ministerial Self Awakening Spiritual Counseling and Course Facilitator Certification, Pathways of Light College; LMT, Massage Institute and Healing Arts Center, Dallas; Reiki Master; Chicago; Aromatherapy Training; Kroeger Herb Level 1&2. Her experience includes Instructor, The Center for Life Enrichment; Manager, Yoga for Life, Dallas; Director of 7th Ray Books & Herbs, largest wholistic center, Milwaukee; WI, Art Gallery Manager, Phoenix; owned business in Chicago.